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New Book

Hi – thanks for dropping by. I hope you enjoy looking around and reading about my books. My latest novel – “Four Thousand Sundays” is now available as a paperback or eBook – please go to the Links page to find out more.
Many thanks to all my fans who have waited so patiently- you are, as always, the only reason why I persevere with this lonely task!
As you can see from the description some time has passed since their last adventure and the twins have moved on with their lives. In this new encounter, Millie has to face some uncomfortable soul-searching and a child’s life hangs by a thread.
This stand-alone novel can be enjoyed without knowing their complete back-story of course, but if you would like to start at the beginning, please head over to the Books page for more information.
Book Trailer for ‘The Lie’
Watch the video for ‘The Lie’.
The Seekers Series
My objective, with the Seekers Series of books, is to write inspiring and exciting adventure stories that are safe and profanity free.
The stories are multifaceted containing messages at differing levels of understanding. Consequently, the books are enjoyed by all ages, as witnessed by feedback received from readers.
There are currently three published books in the Seekers Series, ‘The Promise’, ‘The Lie’ and ‘Four Thousand Sundays’.
There are currently three published books in the ‘Seekers Series’. Click the buttons below to discover more.
Links to Retailers
All of the above books can be ordered from any good book retailer using the following ISBN numbers:
- The Promise – ISBN: 978-1-78176-337-7
- The Lie – ISBN: 978-1-78697-689-5
- Four Thousand Sundays – ISBN: 978-1-08718-878-2
For those of you who like to shop online, or prefer Kindle ebooks, I have provided a useful Links page listing a small selection of retailers where you can easily click on direct links to the books on their website. I hope you find this helpful.
Click on the symbol above to visit my image gallery where you will find a collection of images including places or objects referred to in either The Promise or The Lie. Can you tell which images relate to which book?
I have also included a number of other images which I think are just awesome!
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